Becoming Your True Self

is a trilogy of books that clarifies a transformative tool Tom uses called the Intuitive Healing Protocol. This protocol is an extension of the healing modality, Spirit Code, which Tom developed in 2017. This dynamic series of writings is as follows:

Book One: Being Spirit In A Material World- Shamanic Journeying in a Time When This is Needed the Most

Book Two: The Path to Salvation- A Healing Protocol taken from The Secret Book of John

Book Three: is a Training Manual that will help you to become an amazing healer for yourself and others.

Being Spirit In A Material World

Shamanic Journeying in a Time When This is Needed the Most

The Path to Salvation

A Healing Protocol taken from The Secret Book of John.

The Trilogy

Becoming Your True Self represents three books known as The Trilogy. These books are as follows:

Book 1: Becoming Spirit in a Material World—Shamanic Journeying in a Time When This is Needed the Most

This is a writing that represents various practices that will assist you in becoming more a powerful spirit rather than only a body on Earth with an overactive ego mind. I reveal journeys I have been on during my time of meditation that further elucidate this path we are on and how we can evolve.
Book 2: The Path to Salvation—A Healing Protocol taken from The Secret Book of John

This book tells the story of how I was led to an ancient document and brought it to life by developing a seven-step healing protocol from its pages. This writing is from the 1st Century (unearthed in 1945 as the documents known as The Dead Sea Scrolls) and its title is The Secret Book of John. The powerful components of this book will assist you in your own development while facilitating deep healing.
Book 3: The Manual

This manual is a guide for trainings and workshops to teach you how to use this protocol to provide healing for yourself and others. These trainings will be day-long as you learn this protocol with others and receive guidance and instruction. Alternatively, you can proceed through each book in this trilogy with the confidence that you will be able to offer this transformative tool to those who need it.

Other books By ToM Steward

The Steps to the Protocol

The protocol contains the following components, all gleaned from The Secret Book of John. They are as follows:

Step 1: Decreasing the Influence of the False Spirit (or Lower Self)

Because your lower self is influenced by that which does not represent your greatest interests and needs an upgrade.
Step 2: Transitioning from Forgetfulness to Remembrance

Because you came here with a specific purpose to provide meaning for your life, yet you forgot all about these preordained plans and you need to remember.
Step 3: Activation of the Spirit of Life (or True/Divine Self)

Because there is a need to discover who you really are as an eternal soul through the activation of the Spirit of Life.
Step 4: Healing—Being Awakened to Light and Attaining Perfection

Because there are aspects of your being that do not resonate with wholeness and need healing and transformation so you may wake up to your true and perfect self.
Step 5: Restoration to Pleroma, the Fullness of Divine MinD

Because you are likely frequently engaged in a version of limited thinking, and you need to be restored to the fullness of Divine Mind.
Step 6: Return to Higher Realms via Epinoia, Elevating to Light Eternal

Because you too often live more in reference to your ego mind’s status as a physical being on earth and not often enough knowing you are a Divine being of light from the eternal realms.
Step 7: Integration—Review of Session Results and Action Steps

Because there is need to review and integrate these changes as you express your Divine nature, becoming increasingly healed and whole, living a life of purpose and meaning.

The Secret Book of John is the writing that I have brought forth and fashioned into a healing protocol. Each of the steps in the protocol are derived from this ancient document and contain powerful healing strategies from Essene beliefs and principles. I have an affinity to this community from long ago because I was one of them.

Greetings, I am Tom Steward, a Psychotherapist in private practice in Northern New Mexico and British Columbia. I provide counseling for individuals of all ages. Take a look at the following trainings and certifications that I integrate into my practice:

  • Energy Codes Coach through the Morter Institute for Bioenergetics
  • HeartMath Certified Clinical Practitioner with HeartMath Institute
  • Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) through the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy
  • EMDR Practitioner (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) able to provide efficient recovery from trauma
  • Moderator of the Safe & Sound Protocol from Unyte-iLs
  • QHHT Certified Practitioner (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) from the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy
  • Shamanic Healer having received training from Sandra Ingerman and the Inca Medicine School (in Cusco, Peru)
  • Healing Mediumship Practitioner training with Suzanne Giesemann
  • Professional Intuitive Healer training with Anna Sayce

I have written nine books and in my writings, I aim to be honest about the human experience—my own and others’—while pointing to ways each one of us can evolve and grow.

I am a person who maintains a deep sense of joy and optimism about myself and my life. I have experienced considerable suffering, yet I have transformed what I have traversed through as a catalyst for my evolution.

With all this background and training in my toolbox, I aim to blend psychotherapy, energy psychology, traditional healing practices, and nutrition/lifestyle considerations, to treat the whole person—body, soul, and spirit—for optimal health and well-being.

Encounter with a Pyramid

Sneak - Peek

I tell the story of an encounter with a Pyramid during the above mentioned QHHT session in the Prelude of the book, The Path to Salvation (to be published in 2024). Following this experience in the pyramid, I received guidance about developing a healing protocol based on an old document that I now know to be The Secret Book of John. 

I believe this encounter with a pyramid has opened my being and advanced my consciousness in a way that enabled me to discover the Intuitive Healing Protocol. You may read about this encounter here:

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Encounter with a Pyramid

I opened my mind to a new experience and found myself in a place I did not recognize. It felt like it may be Egypt, yet I was not certain because I had never been to Egypt before. I simply had a feeling about this and I also sensed that there may be pyramids present somewhere nearby. I looked around yet saw nothing but a desert landscape with sand, and no trees or foliage of any kind. It was a very dry and barren climate.

Then I saw it—a pyramid. I calculated how I might get to this pyramid, and after some time of contemplation I eventually began running towards it. As I arrived at the pyramid, I noticed a wooden door on one of the sides, so I approached it and entered in. 

Once inside I viewed a very large opening with halls and tunnels that were passageways with some distinct purpose. I suddenly gained the impression that these corridors of passage were for wind and water to pass through. 

The purpose of the vast hallways was to represent such a powerful momentum that the wind and water would create a dynamic turbulent force, and then strike against the inside walls of the pyramid. The pyramid itself was made of several layers of carefully chosen and positioned rock structure. The force of the wind and water would generate a powerful propulsion to transcend through the pyramid walls. 

This would then produce an electromagnetic current with a potent thrust that would be sent throughout the atmosphere external to the pyramid. This electromagnetic energy sent out would be of such a high energetic quality that everyone and everything would experience an enhanced vibrational signature. 

In this way, the inhabitants on the Earth, or any other place in the vast star systems, including where I found myself here, would be able to naturally raise their vibration and exist at a higher dimensional level. This was the purpose of the pyramids, anywhere they may be found in the trillions of galaxies and solar systems that continue to increase each time scientists attempt to count them.

I received this knowledge, not before known, as I entered this pyramid in my vision. There was a knowing I gained simply by being in this place. It was a life I had lived before and something I knew in this previous time was now returning to me. How I came to know these realities is mysterious to me, yet I sensed them as essential truth was  burning within me.

After entering this pyramid, I observed a blue florescent light shimmering on one of the walls to my left. Next to this blue light was a very large black wall with white or silvery dots on it. As I moved closer, I realized I was looking out into the infinite space of the Cosmos. The white dots were either stars or planets or star systems, I did not know for sure. 

What was interesting was that this interior wall led to the endless infinite dimensions, yet what was on the outside of the pyramid was its external wall. I knew that this multidimensional experience was beyond the limits of rational understanding, beyond the typically known dimensions of time and space. None of the typical means of measurement were relevant here as the quantum field opened up to me.

I was also able to determine why I did not see anyone else inside of the pyramid. Everyone had entered the darkness on this wall before me to experience the vast unlimited dimensions of infinite space. The white dots were not only stars and planets but also other beings who were star travelers, careening through the universe like currents of air wafting in various directions at a force faster than the speed of light.

I suddenly felt the urge to enter in, to fly, as it were, into the vastness of open space. So, I did, not knowing where it would take me. I began to soar, as I was propelled by some unknown thrust that enabled me to navigate in these higher dimensions of reality. 

I looked down at what was my body and I saw only light. I was a radiant being of light traveling speedily and effortlessly through the infinite space of the Cosmos. This was also true for the others, my kindred spirits, who entered this opening to travel as light beings. 

These are my people, and they were all around me. There was no communication in the normal sense, only the expression of a resonant frequency. I was able to send out a vibrational signal to the others and they sent similar communication to me. The communication consisted of a each one’s recognition of awe and wonder in this purpose-filled experience with Cosmic Consciousness.

This was such a transcendent encounter with Infinitude that I wanted to stay here forever and never leave. There was a deep sense of peace and joy, even exhilaration, in this oneness with All That Is. I was able to be present, simply being in the deepest sense of being. Even more, the concept of time was irrelevant.

There was some sense that I needed to go back, to return to the personal nature of my ordinary life, yet I decided to remain. I began to settle in. I experienced a realization of unity and oneness with The All. I became deeply a part of this Void as a multidimensional infinite being, journeying farther away from the life I had known prior to entering the black wall with white dots.

At some point as I careened through this open space of these celestial heavens, I saw a light in the distance, so I directed myself towards it. It appeared as a brilliant light against the dark canvass in the open sky of the endless Field of space. 

This reminded me of images I have seen of the Milky Way. As I drew near, I suddenly realized what it was—Source, Light of lights, Origen, the beginning of all things where there is no beginning. I knew it was where I had come from and where I was going, yet even more where I have always been. This is true even though this was not my awareness in my life outside of the pyramid. 

Some may call this God, Higher Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Universal Consciousness, or any other designation to represent the Ultimate. Mostly, it is Home, the location of my Divine Nature’s true being.

I was suddenly in deep reverence for what was now present before me. I didn’t know what to do as I observed this awesome Presence, so I simply allowed my gaze to rest on its presentation. Words, however, are unable to convey my encounter with Source.

As I peered into the Ultimate I was overwhelmed by a sense of love. Perhaps it was loving me as I felt a love for it, because it was Love, and so was I.

Being in this place felt purposeful, meaningful. I was simply present, being in the most profound sense of being. I have arrived at where I have always wanted to be and always have been. This is my beginning, my end, my all.

I moved around the back side of this immensity to not be presumptuous. I wasn’t sure if my presence would interrupt its flowing essence. I then realized that this was not possible, and I was meant to be a part of this Light of lights in the origin of all things. 

I had the thought that this massive presence of the Ultimate could engulf me, and I would be no more. It wasn’t clear whether this would be advantageous or not. I felt this sudden urge to become absorbed into it, to be one with it, not knowing what would become of me. 

I was then driven to move toward the center of this immensity, and I gained the sensation that I was where I had always wanted to be. This was what I had been searching for and longing for my entire life. It is what I have always wanted in all my pursuits throughout all my existences—to be immersed into this ineffable being of exquisite primordial consciousness. 

As I entered in even more deeply, I was able to apprehend an awe-inspiring oneness with this Source reality. I was with the All, and in the All. I was at the beginning, the end, and every space in-between. 

I was meant to come here, and I realized I have always been here. It is not possible to leave this place that exists within the structured layers of consciousness in my endless inner being, yet my awareness may shift and draw me away from this Ultimate Consciousness. 

What I am experiencing is truly the pristine essence at the core of my being—Uncarved Block and Imago Dei—an effervescent diamond glittering and shimmering in the light of Eternity. I now know that this light is in me and is me.

At some point I felt led to exit this experience and return to my life outside the pyramid. I did this reluctantly, yet knowing it was necessary. 

I traveled as a being of light, as before, seemingly beyond what is referred to the speed of light. There was, nonetheless, no conception of speed, let alone time or space. This is a higher dimensional reality and much of what I encountered here cannot be articulated in the words of ordinary language. I have provided language here and this will suffice, yet this cannot capture this journey I have been on.

I eventually found myself outside of the pyramid going about my life as a citizen of this star system where my soul originated. What I have come to know has advanced me into a higher state of consciousness. The energetic signature that I now vibrate at emanates from me and impacts others to help them to awaken, to long for more.

This is the return to Source, to be one with the All, as always. And I know who I am. 

Those who enter the deeper dimensions of space in the pyramid emit a higher frequency volume that boosts the vibrational pattern of everyone else. Perhaps others will be drawn to join me, and to enter such a pinnacle experience. 

And I will return. Yes, I will.

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InTuitive Healing Protocol

The Interventions Used in an IHP Session

What enables an IHP session to be powerful is its use of twelve additional modalities that are seamlessly integrated into this healing system. These modalities include the following and can be inserted into any of the IHP Steps:

Being States

There are Core States in you that represent aspects of your soul and being in need of transformation. As this occurs you will be able to integrate the deeper Spirit States.


You have repressed emotions representing your response to the many and varied experiences with life that need to be transmuted from a lower vibrational frequency to a higher one.


There are a list of forty beliefs in Spirit Code, representing the mostly subconscious operating system that requires identification and replacement in order to see reality as it is, not in reference to your limited perception.


In every moment of your life you take a snapshot of your life, and then store these images as memories in a vast system that is meant to help you understand reality. These pictures need to be identified and shifted as a part of your ongoing healing.

Life Stations

These are the particular stations in life you may find yourself in at any point in your life. As they are brought to light, you will be given more clarity about where you are on your path so that you can gain the impetus to proceed forward.

Heart Center

This is the vital center that represents love, compassion, connection, and relationships. It is a key power center on the body/mind system that understandably needs an upgrade and renovation so you can live as the powerful being you are.

Mental Field

These include the thoughts and thinking that run through your mind, representing the mind's mental chatter that incessantly bombards you. Your thoughts need attunement so you can experience life more optimistically and productively.


The body with its organs, glands, systems, fluids, and the many ways it is impacted by life and living, needs consideration for you to live in optimal health and well-being.

Soul Repair

The soul contains all of the ways you have captured your experience in life and made decisions that have influenced your level of awareness. There are key actions required for reparation to occur in the soul system.


This is a representation of the energy body, such as the chakras and meridians, yet so much more, that need attention. As this occurs you will be able to cleanse your energy system, as you did the physical system of the body.

Resolving Karmic Patterns

This is a way to account for the many triumphs and tragedies your soul has been through in all of your life encounters in order to bring about a swift and thorough resolution.

The Book of Life Inventory

This is a strategy to enter into the vast library of records representing all of the experiences of your soul in its entire existence to understand your blueprint for life.

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